Sunday, November 22, 2009


Aargh. When I decided to make my clapotis a bit larger so it could be a shawl, I was not worried about the yardage since I had 2 other skeins that I had ordered at the same time as the original skein. I finished it last week, then pulled it out of the bag on Sunday to block. Imagine my surprise when I stretched it out on the floor and saw...

(The wrong side is up for blocking.)(Not only do I have a lousy camera...but also I am a lousy photographer! The lousy photo does more justice to the shawl than it deserves...the lower left side, where I added the new skein, is significantly lighter than the rest of the shawl.)

I was so sad. I was having such fun knitting it that I did not notice the more than slight color difference. I had such high hopes for my newly-named Jacob Shawl. But I will not let my hopes be dashed. Nothing we make is perfect. I spent many Thursday nights knitting on it with my library staff knitting friends. It is still beautiful.As I have contemplated its flaws as well as its beauty, I also began to think more about the ladders. I like to think of Jacob's ladder as going directly up between earth and heaven (or directly down between heaven and earth.)
In this shawl, the ladders do reach the other end, but they are slanted and a bit catawampus- just like me.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh no! I didn't know you had additional skeins of the yarn - I was so worried that you only had the one, and that you would find it was too little! But I'm sorry the color is so noticeable to you. Was that photo taken while the shawl was wet? The photo in the grass doesn't show any color difference at all.

The stitches are beautiful, and I just love the close up shots. I think a clapotis may need to be in my future!