Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Eating My Words...or at least my thoughts

During my blogless year, I continued to create many entries in my head. They were well-written, thought-provoking, and witty. In my mind's eye, the accompanying photos were worthy of publication in National Geographic, or at least on's Photo of the Week. One of those posts was going to be a hilarious farewell to Homespun. Here is the Readers Digest/brownie camera version:

I had a box (and more) that I slogged through making Prayer Shawls- they were well intended and knit with love, but the yarn does have a reputation. I vowed to find a gentler, kinder yarn for the next obsession with shawls.

On the last Sunday in Epiphany, I had one. After the Shrove Tuesday Oyster Roast, Ash Wednesday and Lent would be here. Mind, body, and soul needed to be transformed and transfigured (thanks, Jennifer!) I needed to hurry up and decide what I was going to "give up" and "take on" for Lent! Guess what entered my mind, confused my soul, and sent my body to Michael's:

To knit mindfully and prayerfully every day is part of my Lenten discipline.

1 comment:

Jen said...

If I were wearing a lovely green shawl, I'd be smiling, too!

I have a little homespun I'd be happy to send your way... :)