Sunday, August 15, 2010

Decision #1

Ta-dah! The Citron Shawl is complete.
 This was my first major blocking project. I have some wire, but not enough, so I used the cables of two circular needles to hold part of the ruffle. I did read somewhere that some people let the ruffle stay ruffly, but I chose otherwise.

I decided that I was going to stick with the pattern, and I am glad that I did. Just for fun, I did knit 2 extra rows of the final ruffle. I ended up with about 13 grams left of the 3rd 50g ball.  Why can't the world agree on one unit of measurement? Converting grams to ounces and meters to yards taxes my fading algebra skills!! I finally went through all the weighing and converting (only grams and meters on the label) and figured I had about 55 yards left. I enjoy creating spreadsheets, and thought I'd try to figure out just how many stitches I knit and purled: over 24,000, adjusting for miscounted rows and forgotten increases/decreases!! Nobody's perfect.

A corollary decision to this project is what to do with it. I had the unloved yarn in my stash, and after my daughter knit the Citron, I though I would try it. I do not like the color. I do not know where or when or with what I would wear it. If I knit it again, I will use a happier color and do one more 20 row round. For the time being, the shawl will live in my emergency gifts drawer. The right recipient will will emerge. The fit will be perfect.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Wonderful decision and a beautiful shawl! The color looks so different knitted up than it does in the ball. How lovely to know it will be just right for someone who doesn't even know it yet!