Thursday, March 03, 2011

Looking back 5: Tradition-surprise balls

 (This is another one of the conceived-but-never-published posts from 2010.)

Just how long (both in inches/feet and years) should I keep scrap yarn? I have quarter-balls and eighth-balls and bobbins and 18 inch lengths of needlepoint wool...most with no wrapper or indication of content. Previous posts have shown how scraps of cotton make colorful dishcloths and scraps of sock yarn make adorable miniature ornaments. But how do I use the scratchy acrylic and ugly colors? I tie them together, grab some coins and candy and party favors and start wrapping!
 How many repeats does it take to create a tradition? For me, it all revolves around a grandson's comment of "Gee, Bana, you should make this a tradition!" Thus, this is the third year of the Christmas Surprise Ball. (Sadly, I did not take a picture the first year.)

The boys have had a wonderful time with these for the past 3 years, although their parents may have been a little concerned with the mess!

 I've already started to collect a few things for Christmas 2011!

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