Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Still singin' the blues...

Will it ever end? I cannot believe I have so much blue yarn in my stash- I'm more of a green/teal/autumn/burgundy, but the blues live on! Here is a hat, based on a couple of hats I've seen in person, but I do not have a real pattern for it. Basically, I just knit 4 rows, changed colors, purled 4 rows, changed colors, knit 4 rows, changed colors...until it looked right. Then I did a regular hat decrease pattern, K2togging and knitting (or purling) a decreasing number of stitches each row or so.

Again, I love the almost symmetry of the crown.

And here is yet another Ballband hat:

 Again, I still am fascinated with the crown:

And a baby sweater for our Knitting Guild charity project::

(It's based on the 5-hour baby sweater pattern.)

And I unearthed an only-missing-the-arms February Baby Sweater:

And I'm still working on the prayer lives in the trunk of my car so that if I ever get stuck somewhere I'll have something to do!!!

As far as I can see, this is what is left to knit so I can stop singing the blues!!
(If there is the least bit of green in a blue yarn, it has been redeemed and does not get my scorn....) Normally I do not organize my stash by color- I use the weight/content method. I started out the year with a goal to use up my acrylic, but now I'm on a rampage to use use up all blue yarn- acrylic or not!! Hopefully this pond will be dry by the end of summer, assuming I don't have to do much frogging!

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