Finished! The Basket of Shame. Part One.
OK. So these were actually almost completed WIPs... but they still needed to be finished, and I did. I'm on my way to completing my 2012 goal!
So now, not one, but two prayer shawls are awaiting a blessing at St Chris...
This one was knit with the Homespun color "Montana Sky." using a variation of the k3p3 pattern. I knit 3 rows with k3p3, then 3 rows with p3k3, making little 9 stitch squares. It looks fine, but I like the original pattern better. I have a few other pattern ideas, which I will try later.
This one is knit with Homespun color "Shaker." The browns, creams, and greys are amazing, but obviously do not show well in this photo. This is the shawl I was knitting at Kanuga, so it will be doubly blessed.
I am so pleased that we are finally getting a Prayer Shawl Ministry started at the church I attend. We are a small congregation, with only a few knitters and many homebound and elderly members. Several people have indicated an interest in learning to knit, and I have already "restarted" someone who has not knit for awhile. We have 6 or 7 completed, and they were blessed before Christmas. My 2, plus another and hopefully 1 or 2 later in the spring are awaiting a blessing.
Once again, I plan to work on a shawl as part of my Lenten discipline. Unlike 2 years ago, I do not plan to be monagamous- I need smaller projects to work on during breaks at work!
But which one?
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