Monday, April 09, 2012

Easter Joy

Along with "Alleluia, the Lord is risen...the Lord is risen indeed, Alleluia!" I can say "alleluia, I did it!"

My Lenten Prayer Shawl, which was begun on Ash Wednesday, was completed on Good Friday...even the fringe! (Last year, my LPS was begun on Ash Wednesday and completed sometime around Thanksgiving.) This one, as usual, is knit from Homespun in "Herb Garden."
This photo does not do justice to the colorway- it is much more of a deep green and does not have any blue. Someday, if I can't figure out how to take more accurate photos, I will learn how to adjust them for color!

Added to the 2 shawls I completed earlier this year, I now have 3 to be blessed for our homebound parishioners. Thankfully there are other knitters now, and I think next time we have a shawl blessing we will have 6 or 7 finished shawls!

Also in a timely fashion, I completed a jigsaw puzzle. I was changing out winter/summer clothes (we skipped spring this year) and found this on the top shelf of the closet. It was started a few days before Palm Sunday, and finished on Easter day.
(Again, the colors should be much brighter. The puzzle is larger, also, but I had to crop out some of the reflections.)
Pysanky  (Ukrainian Easter eggs) have a wonderful place in my heart. My ex's grandparents came from Ukraine in the nineteen teens, and he decided to live into his heritage and take up the craft. He and his brother made a number of eggs, and even sold some at a large craft fair. They are made from blown eggs, using paint, wax, a candle, and a very steady hand!

Like knitting and reading, jigsaw puzzles can consume me. I enjoy the process, but sometimes I just knit through/read through/puzzle through until the wee hour of the morning to finish.  I have done 4 or 5 puzzles since Christmas, and will post about them later.

Cleaning is another story. I can dust one table and be ready for a nap.

1 comment:

Jen said...

The prayer shawl is beautiful, and I love the name of the colorway even if the colors in the photo don't do it justice! So happy to hear the prayer shawl ministry is up and running...

I love the puzzle! Have I seen it before? I still have two pysanky from all those years ago...I guess they weren't blown, though, because they are weighted inside (the dried yolk?) and can only sit on their sides!