Monday, May 21, 2007

Charity Day in the Mountains

What a delightful way to spend a gorgeous Saturday in May! About 16 ladies from our local Knitting Guild gathered inside (when it was cold) then outside on the deck and screened porch (after it warmed up) of a gracious member's home on the side of a mountain in North Carolina. As the second of our 3 charity projects for the year, we concentrated on knitting chemo caps for both women and men. We had a number of patterns available, as well as yarn donated by a local manufacturer. It is restful for the eyes to look up from knitting every now and then, but when this is the view, it is hard to get back to knitting!

After a few hours of chatting, laughing, knitting, and eating pizza, we made a mass exodus down the mountain to the LYS. After all, cap knitting does not take much time, and we needed new projects! This is a photo of some of the caps I have finished recently. Most of the patterns are found here and here and most of the caps were knit in the round with Caron Simply Soft (leftover from the rainbow prayer shawl.)

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh, they're wonderful! I've never done a cap - it's going on my list. Where exactly are the caps going - is it a hospital or another organization that collects them?

The view of course is wonderful, too! Perhaps my view was the other side of those mountains!

Peace, Jennifer