Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Edisto girls

I am blessed to have amazing circles of friends-"make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold." I have church friends, neighborhood friends, knitting friends, college friends, and an incredible group of friends I have known since elementary school. My group of friends from school has managed to get together many times over the years, even though we are spread through 3 states. We have gathered at each others homes, in the mountains, and most recently at the beach. This time there were only seven of us- one friend from Virginia could not get down here. We are all celebrating (!?!) turning 60 this year, and had a wonderful birthday bash. Trips down Memory Lane, stories of current joys and sorrows, and dreams of the future filled our days and nights, along with beachwalking, bike riding, eating, and napping. Before we left, we had an amazing prayer circle on the porch. To know these girls as not only friends but sisters in Christ is an incredible gift.

I spent more time packing knitting projects than clothes! I did get several inches completed on the Waterfall prayer shawl, but an unfortunate incident involving me, the bicycle I was riding, and a fence left me with 2 skinned knees, a fat lip, a jammed finger, and a badly bruised ego. And no more knitting while chatting!

Then, to add insult to injury, I was splattered by a seagull while we were standing on the beach watching a wedding in the distance!

All in all, though, it was a wonderful weekend.

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