Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Just Because It's June

Just because it's June and June is a between-the-knuckles short month is no reason to think I can just squeak by and pull a quick project out of the bag to satisfy my monthly goal. June is bustin' out all over, and I'd better get busy!!!!

Speaking of the bag, I think that is what I will do: I will knit as many handbags as I can, using up my stash of Cascade 220 and some fru-fru sparkly yarns. I have made several handbags from a generic pattern and given them to my church for the annual Alleluia Sale. I'm writing this post at the office, and most of my pictures are on the computer at home, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow. I do have a photo of the yarn for the first bag I will start:

I am working a part-time job at the library in the circulation department and will take this project with me to work on during my break times so I won't give in to snacks! The new job is wonderful. At several points in my life I had considered getting an MLS degree, but I never followed through. Now I'm actually working at a library!! I've noticed that many of my knitting friends are also avid readers. I cannot read while I knit (or knit while I read) but when my fingers get achy I read and when my fingers get itchy I knit!!

Now it's time for my fingers to work on a spreadsheet here at job #1, but they're really itchin' to knit......


Jen said...

I'd love to see your pattern for this. Sounds like fun!

How about books on tape? How luxurious, to knit and "read" at the same time! Throw in a cup of french vanilla coffee and a slice of pound cake and you've got heaven on earth!

Becky said...

Oh no, the word pound cake made me cringe. Pound is a bad word in my vocabulary. I read recently where recumbant exercise bikes are great because you can knit while you cycle. May have to look into that one. Why not go back for that degree? Never too late.