Friday, June 29, 2007

Emergency Knitting

Since I finished my June project and there are still 1 1/2 days until I have to chose a July project, I decided to panic and try to work on some emergency prayer shawls. I have just about completed one for a friend who is newly diagnosed with cancer. This is the Waterfall yarn that bowled me over a couple of months ago.
My sister-in-law is being treated for endocarditis and is still not feeling well at all. This next yarn is Homespun Cotton Candy and should fit right in with her love of all things pink. I am adding a special touch (literally) to each of these shawls and will write about that laterBeing a bit paranoid about being stuck somewhere with nothing to knit, I always try to keep a project nearby everyday. The Waterfall shawl is currently at home, the Cotton Candy shawl is in my car (no, I do not knit while driving, but I do knit sometimes after I've been through the drive-thru on a lunch break,) and the Baroque shawl is at the office. This is the non-emergency one that will be donated to the church where the Knitting Guild meets. In reality, the pink one and this one will probably trade places, since I need to finish the one for my SIL asap. As soon as the Waterfall one is complete, I'll work on hers at home, too.

Now there are only 2 more colorways of Homespun left in my stash. Hooray!!! I probably have enough leftovers to make a "Joseph" shawl...


Becky said...

Love your creativity with your photos. The shawls are very pretty.

Jen said...

I can't wait to help out! You're right, the pink is perfect. And how neat that the watery blue shawl was knit on at the beach...