Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sometimes Not Knitting

Sometimes I am not knitting. I work at a public library (and knit during breaks and lunch and some evenings with coworkers.) I eat (semi-regularly.) I sleep (alot.) I clean (sometimes.) I think (way too much.) I watch HGTV (while knitting.) I read. It's this last activity that is the subject of this blog. Before I was addicted to knitting, I was addicted to reading.

Many years ago, I kept a file box with an index card for each book I read and a short summary. That obsession died out for awhile, but then I started taking notes, underlining, and starring pertinent passages in books I owned. I have some sort of mental block that keeps me from remembering what I read, but I know those stories and their truths are filed away in some box in my brain!

While cleaning out a literal box from my closet, I found a list of Newberry Award winners. Apparently I had planned, back in 1996, to get caught up reading children's books. Now that it is 2010, it is time to complete that project. Of course, there are now 14 more books on the list! Like knitting, as soon as I think I've read the last book (or finished a project- hah!) another year produces another winner or another project just has to be knit.

I was appalled at how few of the books I remembered reading. So far this summer, I have spent time in Wisconsin with 2 young girls in 2 different centuries, waited with rabbits for the New Folk to arrive, gone on adventures with a cowhorse, worried about the mysterious disappearance of a dog, met a talking twig, walked the streets of medieval Poland, seen how a cat can get to heaven, celebrated life with Chinese folk tales, crossed the high seas with a young pirate, and tried to be more of a noticer. All that, plus my normal grownup reading of anything from spy thrillers to spirituality, plus knitting, has made for a happy summer.

(The project on top of the books is the Anne shawl, which I am trying to finish before I go to a wedding in Georgia in 3 weeks...)

To knit or to read? That is the question...

1 comment:

Jen said...

What a wonderful post! Perhaps the start of your own book! I would read more if I knit much as I love to hold a book in my hands, I think the only way I could read more now is by listening to them. Then I could knit and read at the same time!