Monday, April 23, 2007


In the 4 or 5 years that I have been knitting prayer shawls, I've found myself under the spell of 40% off coupons and/or sales of Homespun at Michael's and Hobby Lobby. Even though I grow weary of the pattern and do not like the way the yarn frays on the ends, I continue to be an "in the box" knitter and stick with the original pattern and yarn suggestion for the prayer shawls. Of course, I have used other yarns and other patterns (very creatively, I may add...I'm working on an unusual one now.) I always seem to come back to the K3P3 Homespun. The "March Prayers" shawl I finished recently (Homespun "Olive," 63 stitches, size 13 circs, fringed) was in process for over 6 months. Granted, most of the knitting was done in the office, but when our Knitting Guild was given the challenge of finishing 40 shawls by the end of the year, I realized I had to get one finished and another started. My Homespun stash has enough for 5 shawls. I reached in, pulled out a skein of yarn, and as soon as I had cast on the stitches, I was mesmerized by the color. I was enthralled. I could bury my eyes in it forever. When I looked at the name of the color, I realized why: "Waterfall."

I have this thing for waterfalls. When I was considering names for a blog (see first blog entry- I haven't figured out how to do a link to my own stuff), one of the final contenders was "Moonlight and Waterfalls" (even though that doesn't have anything to do with knitting, it has much to do with me.) Moonlight fascinates me, the way it can light up the evening just by reflecting the sunlight. I know the moon phases in and out, but so do I. I remember being with Daddy on the beach, dancing in the moonbeams and wondering about where the moonpath on the ocean would lead. Waterfalls are all about joy and journeys. Again, Daddy was my mountains and waterfalls inspiration. (I love you too, Mom!) Waterfalls took on a new meaning after I read "Hinds' Feet on High Places" by Hannah Hurnard. It's an allegory of Christian journey. I need to read it again, but what I remember most is Much-Afraid realizing the joy of self-giving as each droplet plunged with joyful abandon into the unknown, yet knowing that the Shepherd was with and in each drop along its journey, through all the obstacles and still waters.
Enough theological reflection. It's time to knit!

1 comment:

Jen said...

That's a wonderful picture of the homespun stash - looks so cozy and inviting!