Thursday, July 12, 2007

Christmas in July

Merry Christmas!!! Why do people talk about "Christmas in July" when Christmas is actually 6 months from June 25? Maybe it's because when July rolls around, there is less than 6 months until Christmas. Maybe it's beacause when the heat rolls in and the thunder rolls over we begin to think of the cooler days of December. Maybe it's because there are 2 syllables in "Christmas" and "July" and it rolls of the tongue in a more melodious manner than "Christmas in June." Maybe.....oh well.

In the past 35 or so years, I have knit more Christmas stockings than I could count on all my fingers and toes and then some. Most were made for Church bazaars using old but fun patterns. There were more orders than could possibly be filled back then, when more people were doing crewel work, cross stitch, and needlepoint than knitting. Eventually I made stockings for my four grandsons using patterns picked out by their Moms. In cleaning out a box, I found this almost completed vintage stocking and wondered why I never finished sewing it together.

Now I know. Santa looks sad. The tree looks bare.
Searching through my other treasure stashes, I found all these mini-decorations that were destined to go somewhere. So much for Manifest Destiny! I plan to use these to decorate the tree before Santa stuffs it down the chimney.

I think his smile needs adjusting, too. He looks like he is bearing a heavy load on his shoulders and in his heart. I must cheer up this so-called jolly guy!


Jen said...

What a fabulous stocking! I wonder if we could bid on it... :)

Becky said...

This is beautiful! Maybe put a star on the top. You could probably turn Santa's face into a smile. This is too pretty not to get ready to hang.