Thursday, April 05, 2007

2007: A Knitting Odyssey

And thus, the tail begins (usually with a slip knot.)

The Mission: To go boldly ( my 5th grade English teacher was adamant about the evils of split infinitives) into my stash and create FO's from UFO's.

Star Date: Later than I had intended.

A little history: (My fifth grade English teacher would nave a conniption fit with my use of dots, dashes, colons, parentheses, and quotation marks...) About a year ago, I decided I was ready to try two new things in my life: cats and blogging. It seemed a purrfect fit. I had already decided on a name for the blog, "Tink and Purl," and now all I needed was two adorable kittens whose names would be "Tinker" and "Purl." ("Tink/Tinker" is a double entendre: Tink/knit, of course, and a mountain near my alma mater in Roanoke, VA. I loved that mountain.) Anyway, two kittens from the same litter came to live with me, but I had to accept the fact that both were males. Thus, Purl, the yellow kitten, became Puff.

We really did try hard to live together happily, but an unexpected 3 week business trip out of the country, followed by an almost 2 week visit to my daughter, and too many other weekends away proved to be too much boarding tome and not enough bonding time. Sadly, but happily, they are back on the farm, probably chasing real mice instead of dumb ole balls of yarn. I miss them.

With all the trips and with piles of work at the office to occupy my time, I never got around to getting the blog out of my head and into cyberspace. Of course, I kept on knitting!

My stash is not overwhelming, but does occupy a substantial number of WalMart bins in the guest room walk-in closet. In the process of simplifying my life, I realized it was time to do the best I could with what I already had (ie don't buy anymore yarn...hah!) I do not make New Year's resolutions, but in January, when enthusiasm is at its highest level, I decided I would dedicate each month to a specific UFO or PHSBNS (that's a new one..Planned, Have Supplies, But Not Started.) I would journal all this on my blog. See how smooth the road to Heaven is? It's all paved with my good intentions!!!! I did finish all of my planned January projects in January, but February was not finished until the end of March.

Since I do not have Internet access at home, my next post will have to wait until next week. I will have the list of my monthly goals as well as a few more pictures.

'Til then, Happy Birthday "Tink and Purl."


Becky said...

Cathy, you have inspired me to finish ufo's that I have been collecting for the last few years.
I needed some size 5 needles for a new pattern and couldn't find any size 5 needles, nor 4,6,8's and many others. It is then I realized that all my needles are in UFO's! Now this is becoming a desperate situation. Time to turn those ufo's into fo's. Thank you for the inspiration.

JoOwl said...

PHSBNS (that's a new one..Planned, Have Supplies, But Not Started.) - I like that. It's appropriate for us weavers, too.

Jen said...

I think most of my stash is HNIWTDWIBISIPY (Have No Idea What To Do With It But It Sure Is Pretty Yarn!)